Our Blog

  • Five Sure-Fire Ways to Get Your Car Stolen

    Most people would say their car is one of the most valuable assets they own – if not the most valuable. Despite that, however, some people make it downright easy for thieves to drive off in their pride and joy. We don’t want you walking out your door to an empty driveway or leaving the […]

    April 5, 2017

  • Hope there’s a spring in your step after a look around

    It’s time to give your house the once over for signs of trouble you could do without    POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp You have to admit it’s wonderfully delightful when the weather breaks every spring and you can’t wait to get outside for some fresh air. I hope you are able to venture out to enjoy […]

    April 2, 2015

  • Meadow Park celebrating golden service achievement

    Putting the customer first helps insure our agency to reach 50-year milestone   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp A little history, if you will: It was 50 years ago this month when Meadow Park Insurance Agency came into existence. On February 3, 1965, Jack Turner, Nelson Travers and Robert Stamp executed a lease with Keeven-Jenkins Realty for office […]

    February 28, 2015

  • A Blues fan laments it’s the same as it ever was

    Call me a party pooper as Game Night Revue/Game Time paper celebrates 20 years   GOAL POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp A lot has happened in the 20 years since helping launch the Game Night Revue hockey program with old college drinking buddy Jeff Collins. My wife and I had two kids, one now at Ole Miss and […]

    January 29, 2015

  • Help for those getting hitched over the holidays

    Unfortunately, you can’t ignore the possibility of a little heartbreak from time to time    POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp Did you know more couples get engaged during December than any other month? It must be the egg nog (or, more likely, it may have more to do with what gets poured with the nog). Otherwise, how else to explain why a […]

    December 22, 2014

  • A million thanks from the bottom of my heart

    I look forward to our interactions, no matter how lousy the reason   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp It’s insurance. I get it. Insurance sucks. is one of life’s more unpleasant subjects for discussion. We can debate its importance for hours on end and there’s probably a good chance that, no matter what I say, your […]

    November 25, 2014

  • Not sure how Halloween could be any more frightening

    It’s scary to think of one night’s risks to personal safety, property and bank accounts Here are 11 Halloween safety tips endorsed by Trusted Choice®, the affiliation Independent Insurance Agents like us at Meadow Park belong: Don’t be a scary driver. Drive sober, slowly and even more carefully than usual on Halloween. Watch for children […]

    October 31, 2014

  • Triple trouble for AAA policyholders

    Company’s new minimum wind and hail deductibles really blow   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp We’ve spent a lot of time lately counseling customers who followed our recommendation to place their personal insurance business with AAA. Most of the conversations include a confession of sorts, wishing we hadn’t. We facilitated many switches to AAA since we contracted with […]

    June 24, 2014

  • Don’t let thieves throw wet blanket on your boating season

    If we can’t catch criminals to send them up the river, at least divert their attention   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp Thieves look for the easiest opportunities to engage in their special evil brand of wrongdoing. Boatowners can help deter theft by keeping in mind three basic principles: time, noise and visibility. This means taking measures to […]

    May 14, 2014

  • Who you got in the insurance spokesperson final four?

    A billion dollars is all it takes to remind folks what they can save in 15 minutes   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp It’s March, so you’ll have to excuse me for this random act of madness. If you can’t have a little fun with anything associated with insurance, I understand completely and perhaps it’s best […]

    March 5, 2014