Our Blog

  • Who you got in the insurance spokesperson final four?

    A billion dollars is all it takes to remind folks what they can save in 15 minutes   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp It’s March, so you’ll have to excuse me for this random act of madness. If you can’t have a little fun with anything associated with insurance, I understand completely and perhaps it’s best […]

    March 5, 2014

  • You never know when fate is gonna leave you out in the cold

    No reason to be totally unprepared for the worst that Old Man Winter can throw at you   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp My kids make fun of me upon my return from work when they see me all bundled up. Stocking cap, gloves, scarf and heavy winter coat must give the appearance that I apparently trudged […]

    February 5, 2014

  • A homeowners policy may help keep your head above water

    Then again, maybe it won’t. What’s your policy?   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp It’s been drilled into us since we were young sprouts. Honesty is the best policy. Seeing how I make a living in a position of trust, I’d be a damned fool to dispute that. Instead, this little exercise is to point out […]

    December 11, 2013

  • Not afraid to admit that football has really got a hold on me

    We’ll be back to insurance soon enough, but first a few words from our sponsor   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp I always have so much to be thankful for. The list is so incredibly long you’d think I was making it all up. Or, in the very least, you’d draw the conclusion that I was a lifelong resident of […]

    November 26, 2013

  • Tackling one of our most frequently asked questions

    “My car is getting older. Why does my insurance keep going up?”   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp There probably isn’t a week that goes by when we’re not asked that question. It doesn’t bother me in the least to explain it to customers; it’s what I signed on for, right? Truth be told, a car’s […]

    November 20, 2013

  • Not always pleasant for whom the bell tolls

    Too bad so many calls to our office are prompted by a sore subject    POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp I had a laugh the other day when a customer called me by mistake. Did she butt-dial us or just select us in error from her cell phone’s contacts list? I’m not sure how she inadvertently […]

    October 30, 2013

  • Is your home ready for Old Man Winter?

    Here are 10 suggestions for winterizing your house you may find rather helpful   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp Before the temperature drops, winds begin to howl and snow begins to fall, you might want to spend a few minutes getting your house in order. Without taking some of these preventive measures, a homeowner may very well be overcome with a case of […]

    October 17, 2013

  • Smart to use phone for proof of insurance

    Electronic images of ID cards for Missouri drivers now being accepted   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp Now that proof of car insurance can be produced electronically, it seems now that taking care of your business in the bathroom is the last thing not to have gone paperless. Missourians can now go paperless when showing proof that they […]

    September 4, 2013

  • Give renters insurance the old college try

    Students away at school should consider getting their own coverage.   POSTAGE by Rob Stamp It’s that time of year when parents send off their kids to college, hoping that their sons or daughters are making the most of the experience and praying that an uncertain job market doesn’t undercut the investment they’ve made in their children’s education. It’s […]

    August 8, 2013

  • Homeowners A to Z

    What you didn’t know. And, in all likelihood, what you wish you didn’t.   POSTAGE by Rob Stamp Anxious. Describes feeling a homeowner gets when a tornado warning is posted, or how it feels finding your renewal bill in the day’s mail. Bent over. Position you are convinced to find yourself in when dealing with anything involving insurance. Coverage amounts. The […]

    July 10, 2013