Our Blog

  • Hope you avoid falling into a painful coverage gap

    Loan/lease coverage ensures your new vehicle gets paid off in the event of a total loss.    POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp Ask anyone who’s been told their car has been declared a total loss and they’ll probably be able to cite a lengthy list of frustration at every step of the process. First of all, […]

    June 19, 2013

  • It’s wise to protect your future earnings, too

    Disability income, personal umbrella policies deserve consideration    POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp We carry car insurance partly because it’s the law. We carry homeowners insurance partly because the bank requires it. Some of us carry life insurance because it’s how we hope to prevent loved ones from being ruined financially when you’re taken from this world. We know the importance of covering […]

    May 29, 2013

  • Here’s the windup, and here’s the pitch …

    A car insurance glossary only a baseball fan would appreciate    POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp It’s baseball season and, around these parts, it’s a six-month-long celebration. A diamond jubilee, if you will. St. Louis fans are somewhat spoiled because their Cardinals often make it last into October. Here’s my first attempt to put auto insurance […]

    May 8, 2013

  • Go big with your homeowner deductible

    If the insurance company is going to force a higher wind/hail deductible, you may as well carry the higher deductible for less likely losses, too.   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp In response to all the severe weather claims from the past two years, more and more insurance companies are requiring higher deductibles than ever for property policies. […]

    April 17, 2013

  • Frequently Axed Questions

    Q I’ve lost my insurance ID card, but need to renew my tags at the license office. What do I do? A Wear comfortable shoes. Those lines at the DMV can be rather long, especially near the end of the month. Seriously We will be glad to send current proof of insurance wherever you’d like. E-mail, […]

    March 27, 2013

  • Some things, like meteors, could hit home hard

    No one wants to see their house surrounded by cops on the evening news, either.   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp It’s not every day when current events unfold and you wonder if you’d be covered for what might otherwise be considered the unthinkable. Would damage to your property be covered if it were struck by […]

    March 13, 2013

  • Before your renewal ends up in the bottom of the paper pile …

    Here are a few steps to follow. And you still won’t need to bore yourself to tears trying to read it all.    POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to setting aside important paperwork, promising to dig right in at the first opportunity. Yeah, you know how that always end […]

    February 27, 2013

  • A real pain in the glass

    We’ve all been there. Driving down the road, minding your own business, maybe without a care in the world, then WHACK!!! You’re startled by a noise so loud you expect that whatever just struck your car must have left a gaping hole. Could a single gunshot be any louder?   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp Of […]

    February 6, 2013

  • I’m a honk for combined single limit

    Auto insurance isn’t really complicated, but I admit our industry could always do a better job simplifying it for people. That’s where I come in.   POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp I make it a point to go over the coverages and deductibles with customers who are purchasing a new policy. For many folks, some of […]

    January 23, 2013

  • Renters insurance used to be about covering your stuff

    These days, it’s more important than ever because it can help prevent a needless, nasty lawsuit.    POSTAGE  by Rob Stamp It wasn’t all that long ago that any discussion regarding renters insurance strictly focused on providing adequate coverage for somebody’s personal property. If you suffered a fire or a tornado, or if your apartment or […]

    January 9, 2013